Monday, December 9, 2013

How Keyword Based Blocking: An ideal way to prevent kids from getting exposed to objectionable stuff on the Internet?

You cannot keep your kids away from the Internet for long. We all know that kids spend good time on the Internet. But, do you also know that they can even come across certain websites or contents that they shouldn't be viewing? No matter how hard you try to spy on their Internet activities, you cannot prevent them from accidentally clicking on a suspicious link or browsing through sites with indecent content.

It is easy for me to say all this, as I am also one of you. It has not been more than a week when I saw my kid going through stuffs that I specifically asked him not to. I was shocked to see him browse through sites that kids his age shouldn't be doing. I asked myself how can this happen or where did I lack? Then I comforted myself saying that it’s not that late after all. You too can prevent your kids from such incidents by using the Keyword Based Blocking feature to block objectionable content from appearing in the online search.

 Keyword Based Blocking is a brilliant way of customizing the online accessibility of your kids. You can use this feature to block keywords associated with particular websites or content that you don’t want to display in the online search results while your kids are working on it. At the same time, with this feature you can also limit your searches, preferring only the relevant content to display.

You simply need to choose a keyword that you want to block such as ‘adult’, and leave the rest on your software. It will then block all the URLs having ‘adult’ keyword. URLs having blocked keywords will not be displayed in the search result.

At the same time, it is also recommended not to do over blocking or under blocking of the content as it will either block all the content related to the blocked keyword or will not even block the content that you want to.

There are several good PC security solutions that offer the Keyword-based blocking feature. It is available with the TechGenie software program too. Install this software on your PC now to explore the benefits that come along with this feature. 

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